Friday, December 19, 2014

Pine Singer Images

Pamela Phelps, Artist/Photographer/Fighter

Heart of Parksville
There is a term called the 'auteur theory' that we use in filmmaking. It is when a filmmaker has such a distinctive style that we know his/her films simply by watching a few seconds of a film. We know the work of Tim Burton by it's dark whimsy, Wes Anderson by the lush color palette and static proscenium shots, and Danny Boyle by his editing and dreamy flashbacks and forwards. Likewise, we can tell many other artists by their style. I can always look at a Modigliani, Calder, Gaudi or Doisneau and know it is theirs instantaneously without seeing the name or having seen the piece before. It's what every artist strives for, yet few achieve - recongizability.  

Don't Let the Sun Go Down
Pamela Phelps has gained such notoriety with her photography.  There is a quality about her work that carries her signature on it - her full frames, rich autumn palette and grungy, fibrous post processing.  Her work stretches across styles, reminiscent of the old masters with visible paint strokes and textures as well as having a modern touch.  She has captured many rural and historic landmarks around her home in Sullivan County, New York. 

Her bio reads: 
The Kirkland Hotel
"Pamela is a 'Keeper of Days Gone By'. Through her photographic artworks she lends style and ambiance of historical landmarks and notable places in and around the Sullivan, Ulster, and Orange county areas of New York, USA. Her work brings back the origin of emotional experience once connected to the remains of history so highly regarded in this area of New York. Pamela brings back that feeling of 'stepping back in time' through artistic creations of her photography."

On December 1, 2014, Pamela publicly shared with us that she has terminal brain cancer. Her statement that she shared on RedBubble was as follows:
Looking Within
   "I write this to let you all know in short terms, I am ill. I have terminal brain cancer and many things to do to prepare me to leave sooner than I would prefer. My work will remain hereon all 3 sites for the pleasure of others and potential sales to benefit causes I have chosen. I will miss you all terrible, as this is where it began for me many years ago. I learned love, care, compassion, non judgmental thinking, here. My entire demeanor changed, allowing me to embrace a whole new world that lay before me. I am grateful. I will attempt to make some posts here and there when I can, for my healthful and mindful benefit, as well as to leave a legacy from me to you here on RB!
Sanctuary Within

Safe journey my friends, love well, live fully, embrace every bit of energy force you can muster…it never lasts forever, and is gone before we know it.Love to you all.Pamela"

A friend of Pamela's states that she is "...resilient and amazingly brave.  She has continued to create works despite her health problems.  She believes that art is her therapy and is a gift she has to share."  We, in the Peppermint Creek Collective feel the same.  She is a beautiful soul, kind, and showing passion for her stunning work daily.  We are all glad to know her.  Please visit Pamelas sites below and show your support.

Where to Find Pamela's work:
Closed Gates

Follow Pamela on FB
Her Artist Page:

Pamelas Journey:

Other work from Pamela we love:

The River Rose
Grahamsville Schoolhouse

Fulton and Holmes General Store
Wanting Spring So
Becoming the Lighthouse
Goodwill Presbyterian Church

Lone Tree Evening Reflections
A statement from Pamela regarding her legacy:
"Deborah Benoit will be in charge of my will remain as long as it can....proceeds will go to the unfortunate, the starving artist, and the dogs I love so dearly. I do not have much but will give is willingly when I am gone. A portion of my sites, they are set up uniquely are to go for the donation to the warm community that took me in last year as one of them and are helping me through this crisis. Any monies from their unique sites is to maintain the community I live in, the flowers, the lands, the historical buildings. I made this choice a year ago and set up two accounts for them to have as my legacy to them all."

All works shown are the sole property of Pamela Phelps and Pine Singer Images and may not be reproduced or copied without the permission of Ms Phelps or Benoit.


joliefemme said...

Amazing and touching! Thank you for sharing this story!

Unknown said...

amazing fine art !