Monday, January 19, 2015

Southern Comfort Art

Christie Morgans, Photographer/Artist

PCC: Tell us a little about yourself.
Pretty in Pink
CM: At a very young age I realized I was an Artist. My teachers in school always encouraged me, even in Elementary school. Drawings, paintings, clay sculptures, murals, any medium really, in order to produce something unique, to give to someone to make them smile.  I remember one, Mrs Hall, she told me she wanted to come and see my gallery one day. :) Love good teachers! She held a bulletin board contest annually with all the schools in the district. I was always her Artist, and spent most of my time working on Art, rather than the general studies. I guess Art was always my fun time, and I did get special treatment with the work I produced. We won all the contests for my brief Elementary school days! Fun times. Then I continued to do extra banner Artist, local Political race name it. I sought it all out.
   So I guess I have never known anything but being a natural Artist. I did want to major in Art, but I was discouraged by the lack of potential with income in those days. I went down other tracks, ended up with a degree in Psychology. We moved all over the country and I attended 7 different colleges!  The simple act of creating was and has always been what motivates me. And the response of giving joy to someone is still why I am an Artist.
Sailor's Warning

PCC: What do you create? Tell us about your process.
CM: I have been fortunate enough to have traveled all over America, and have seen some of the most extraordinary places. I started taking photographs along the way, and now looking back I wish I had taken even more! I love seeing the beauty everywhere in nature. I started it so I could do paintings from the photos....and that's how it all started in this current direction. When I take a photograph, I see a painting, or at least its potential.

Vintage Sunflowers
In this fast paced world, I think that sometimes we do not always notice the beauty all around us. I think the Artist job is to remind us all to see the beauty. In the Renaissance times, Artists were held at a higher esteem if they could produce works that might be worthy of the creator. I think in some way, I feel that same drive to produce something as beautiful as what I see in nature. The natural beauty from our creator is perfect. And even in the imperfections of the ordinary, there is beauty to see.

The photography software of today makes it easy to enhance what is already beautiful, and it can resemble a painting. However, for me, I only like to enhance a photographs color or lighting. Beyond that, I would rather get out the paint! 

PCC: What else are you passionate about?
Sable Shepard
I have done just about every medium in Art out there....except I have never done welding (always wanted to though!) I dabbled in silver-smithing in jewelry-making back about 10 years ago though. I always wanted to do more sculpting. I actually still want to go take more studio in day :) Since I was a child I did clay sculptures and really, really loved it.  I also was a free lance writer off and on many years back. 

PCC: Anything else we should know?
I am currently a member of Carolina's Nature Photographers Association. I can do custom orders (adjust colors, tones, make into Black and White images, and even enlarge further that what is shown as available on this site) Just leave me a message, or contact me by the email shown. I hope you enjoy looking through my gallery of work and some of my original illustrations and designs. I hope you find something that you will treasure and that makes you smile.

PCC: How do we find you?

 Other Art we love from Christie Morgans:

Sunny Side
Floating Dahlia
Swan Color Waves
Sweet Kittens
Water Lillies Yoga Mat
Bandit Caught - Adorable Baby Leggings

All images are the property of Christie Morgans/SouthernComfortArt and may not be duplicated.


Sailors Ravine Studio said...

Beautiful work Chrisie both the photography and drawing. Can't wait to see what you do with clay :)

And Tiffany, another beautiful presentation.

KnitPeddler said...

It's always inspiring to hear other artists stories and their beginnings. Your work is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

I am always so impressed with artists who can work with so many different mediums! Always excited to see what's in your shop, Christie :- )

Anonymous said...

Thanks to everyone for the wonderful comments! I am honored to be in such a wonderfully creative group of women :) So happy to be creating!